Winter Opening / Closing Instructions
These instructions for the Old Cabin assume that water has been connected to the New Cabin.
First, Connect the Water
You need to grab the tools in the red toolbox in the cabinet under the mirror by the kitchen table.
Install the Valve Stems in the Bathroom Sink
You should find the valve stems for the bathroom sink on the top of the sink. Install them by screwing them into the valve housings under the sink and tightening them with the crescent wrench from the toolbox.
Shut Off NINE Faucets
When the water was drained, all of the faucets were left in an open position. Shut off the following faucets inside the old cabin:
Bathroom sink
Kitchen sink
Also shut off the faucet at the bottom of the water heater in the bathroom.
The outdoor facets also need to be shut off:
Under the kitchen window
In the front yard
Next to the Woodshed door
Also in the woodshed, shut off the water drain faucet with the green handle. Do NOT adjust the other faucet above it.
Inside the woodshed, to the left of the door
TurnING on the Water Supply
The plumbing connections for the water supply are located just south of the new cabin pump house across the street, as shown here.
Valve #1 (blue handle) controls the upper spring water supply
Valve #2 (red handle) controls water to the new cabin
Valve #3 (blue handle) controls water to the old cabin
Valve #4 (green handle) is a hose bibb on a riser pipe
Valve #5 (blue handle) is unused and should be left closed.
This picture shows the connections when the water has been drained from the cabins. Both the upper and lower spring are connected to drain hoses that extend under the pump house and out along the flume to Rock Creek. The lower spring line runs freely and the upper spring line has a low flow, controlled by valve #1, which is out of the picture to the right. Valves #2 through #5 are shown
Step 1: Close valve #1 (turn clockwise) to stop the upper spring flow.
Step 2: Loosen the pipe clamps on the upper spring supply hose where it connects to the drain hose.
Step 3: Pull the upper spring supply line off of the pipe insert fitting on the drain hose.
Step 4: Push the upper spring hose onto the pipe insert fitting on the pipe extending from the riser pipe for valve #4, the green handled hose bib.
Step 5: Tighten the hose clamps on the upper spring hose.
Step 6 (no picture): Open valve #3 and close valves #2, #4. Valve #5 should already be closed.
Step 7: Open valve #1 and you will hear water flowing into the old cabin. Check the upper spring hose connection, tightening the hose clamps if the connection leaks.
Check the Water
Turn on the faucets at the kitchen sink to see that the water is running and to drive the air out of the line. Turn on the hot water faucets in the bathroom sink and shower until the water heater fills and the faucets begin to run.
Turn on the Water Heater
When you are sure the water heater has filled and the hot water faucets are flowing well, go to the electrical fuse box (see the figure at the top of this document) to turn on the water heater. The switch on the top left of the box should read ON, but if not, then pull out the switch, turn it over, and plug it in. Do the same for the water heater switch on the top right of the box.
Closing the Old Cabin in Winter
From November 1 through March 1, the water supply must be turned off when you close the cabin)
Turn Off the Gas Stove
Go outside to the small propane tank close to the rock wall and turn the knob to the OFF position. Then, locate the gas valve inside the cabinet to the left of the stove. Open the door to the cabinet holding the garbage can and find the gas valve on the wooden brace on the right. Turn off the gas valve, leaving the valve handle at right angles to the copper pipe, as shown in the picture below.
Remove the Silverware Drawer
To prevent mouse problems, remove the silverware drawer and place it on the kitchen table. Also, place the griddle, paper towels and tissues on the table.
replenish the Wood Supply
If supplies of firewood, kindling, and newspapers are low, bring new supplies in from the woodshed.
Empty the Water in the Shower
Using the squeegee under the sink, push the water that accumulates in the corner of the shower to the center so that it will drain.
Turn Off the Water Heater
Go to the electrical fuse box on the wall between the screen door and the wood shed and pull out the switch on the top right of the box, turn it over, and plug it back in, so that it reads OFF as shown in the figure below. This should be done before you drain the water to the cabin.
Turn Off the Water
The water must be drained to prevent the pipes from freezing by following the steps below. Please do this carefully – a missed step could lead to a frozen pipe.
As shown in the diagram, close (turn clockwise) valve #3 on the pipe leading to the old cabin.
Turn On (Open) All Faucets
Open the following faucets inside the old cabin:
Bathroom sink
Kitchen sink
The outdoor facets also need to be shut off:
Under the kitchen sink
Next to the woodshed door. This faucet may also drain for a few minutes.
Further along the wall from the faucet above, open the water drain faucet with the green handle at the bottom of the photo. (Do not adjust the other faucet shown in the picture.) This will drain water for several minutes.
In the front yard. When opened, this faucet may drain for a few minutes.
Inside the woodshed, to the left of the door. This faucet may drain for a few minutes.
Drain the Water Heater
There are a couple of short hoses rolled up and stored on the side of the water heater. Connect them together and to the faucet at the bottom of the water heater and run the other end out the back door. Turn on the faucet to drain the water heater. This will take nearly 30 minutes. When fully drained, turn off the water heater faucet, disconnect the hose, roll it up and store it next to the water heater.
Remove the Valve Stems in the Bathroom Sink
Unscrew the valve stems under the bathroom sink and set them on the top of the sink.
Put Antifreeze in the Fixtures
There should be a gallon container of antifreeze in the cabinet in the bathroom. If not, there should be one in the pump house on the new cabin side. Pour small quantities of antifreeze into the following fixtures:
Kitchen sink drain
Bathroom sink drain
Toilet bowl
Toilet tank
Lock the Cabin
Brace the bathroom, living room, and kitchen windows with the wooden dowels and lock the doors: back, front, porch, and woodshed.
Take out the Water in the New Cabin
Follow the instructions in this line (to come)